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Newspaper Reports on DePauw Vigil for Orlando Shooting Victims

Newspaper Reports on DePauw Vigil for Orlando Shooting Victims

June 17, 2016

"Nearly 100 people from all walks of life gathered on DePauw University's campus Thursday to memorialize the recent Orlando shooting and its victims," begins an article in today's Banner-Graphic. "The tragedy in Florida, which took place early Sunday morning at a gay Orlando night club called Pulse, has spurred hundreds of vigils across the country this week in communities both small and large. Greencastle proved no exception Thursday as DePauw sophomore Josh Selke and Assistant Dean of Students Kate Smanik began circulating an email earlier in the week and established a social media group inviting not only members of the LGBT community to gather but for anyone interested to come pay respects, provide support for one another and read aloud the names of the disaster's 49 victims," reports Nick Wilson.

"People in marginalized communities have a proud and important history of coming together," Rev. Smanik tells the Greencastle newspaper. "Parents have gathered in an international and intentional network online to build support for queer families, and I was reminded of how resilient the LGBT community is. For generations we have stood up for our truth when the world tried to deny us."

Read the complete story here.

Kate Smanik is assistant dean of students for spirituality, service, and social justice at DePauw University and president of the National Association of College and University Chaplains.  She was cited in February in a Minneapolis Star-Tribune story.
