Teaching Macroeconomics with Excel

Excel Workbooks

Click to download a workbook and open in Excel; make sure to enable macros for full functionality. The workbooks contain screencasts that explain what to do and include tasks that can be assigned. These workbooks are entirely self-contained--the workbook includes within it everything the student needs.

Last update: 4 July 2016

1. Charting in Excel:

HowtoChart.xls: a gentle introduction to graphing in Excel, includes simple and double Y charts using data from Central American countries

RecessionChart.xls: uses the EconChart.xla add-in to enhance an oil price chart by adding shaded regions for recessions and applies shaded areas to a chart of USincome inequality.


2. Economic Growth Literacy

MaddisonData.xls:a macro-enhanced Excel workbook of Maddison’s World Economy data that enables easy comparison of countries over time. See also the JEE Intro Econ Labs version. This workbook is an excellent way to introduce fundamental questions about economic growth.


3. Solow Model

These workbooks simulate an economy and display time paths and Solow's canonical diagram to explain the steady-state. They enable comparative statics analyses and handle sophisticated transitional dynamics (such as the Golden Rule). Important concepts such as convergence catch-up growth are made accessible. They are meant to be done in sequential order.

  1. KAcc.xls
  2. GoldenRule.xls
  3. Population.xls
  4. TechProgress.xls


4. Data via the FRED Excel add-in

These workbooks use the FRED Excel add-in to download data and perform basic analyses such as computing percentage changes and comparing series in charts. The workbooks assume the FRED add-in is installed. To download and install it, click here. The goal is familiarity with historical trends and the current environment of core macro statistics.

  1. GDP.xls
  2. Unem.xls
  3. Inflation.xls
  4. Money.xls


5. Keynesian Models

These workbooks present the workhorse Keynesian aggregate demand model with easy comparative statics and strong visual display. They are meant to be done in sequential order.

  1. KCross.xls (endogenous Y)
  2. MoneyMarket.xls (endoegnous r, includes Baumol-Tobin money demand model)
  3. ISLM.xls (endogenous Y and r)
  4. ISLMADAS.xls (endogenous Y, r, and P)