"DePauw Was the Perfect School for Me," TransUnion Executive VP Jan Temple '74 Tells Chicago Tribune
September 19, 2005

The story, which serves as an introduction to an interview with Temple, continues, "This creative thinking also helped her land her first job after graduation. 'The head of the Continental Bank's human resources department was interviewing on campus,' says Temple, whose only prior banking experience was as a teller during college summer vacations. 'At the end of the interview, she said, `You don't really want to be a banker, do you?' I admitted that I didn't, but had wanted a practice job interview. A month later, I got a call from her. `I've got the perfect job for you,' she said. `It's in corporate events.' It was a great first job because it was an entree into marketing and gave me immediate exposure to all of the top executives in the company.'"
The newspaper asks Temple -- who has worked 31 years in banking and financial-services marketing -- "Did where you went to college make a difference in your life?" She responds, "DePauw was the perfect school for me. There aren't a lot of schools that would let you make up your own major. It was one of the key experiences in my life. I have great friends that I'm as close to today as I was when I was in school."
Read the complete text at the newspaper's Web site.