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Former VP Dan Quayle '69 Authors Worth Fighting For

Former VP Dan Quayle '69 Authors Worth Fighting For

July 24, 1999

Dan Quayle Worth Fighting For.jpgJuly 24, 1999, Greencastle, Ind. - Republican presidential candidate Dan Quayle, a 1969 graduate of DePauw University, has authored his third book, Worth Fighting For. Quayle served as the 44th Vice President of the United States (1989-1993) after being elected to two terms each in both the United States House of Representatives and Senate.

Publisher's Weekly notes, "In the first salvo of his campaign for the presidency in 2000, Quayle never fails to mention Al Gore, the likely Democratic nominee, in the same sentence as Bill Clinton, whose moral failings Quayle seeks to attach to the entire Democratic Party. And, in writing that 'conservatives have always been compassionate,' Quayle seeks to rhetorically outflank the early Republican favorite, George W. Bush, who has lately used the term 'compassionate conservatism.'"dan quayle bush.jpg

Learn more and order the book at Amazon.com.

Dan Quayle's previous books are Standing Firm: A Vice-Presidential Memoir, which was on the New York Times bestseller list for 15 weeks, and The American Family: Discovering the Values that Make Us Strong.

In 1990, Quayle was honored with DePauw's McNaughton Medal for Public Service. He also delivered the commencement address to the University's Class of 1982.
