Science Fiction Studies

#54 = Vol. 18, No. 2 = July 1991

Richard P. Terra and Robert M. Philmus

Russian and Soviet Science Fiction in English Translation: A Bibliography*

[*We wish to thank Gary Kern for taking time from his own work of translating Russian SF in order to check through this bibliography and suggest additions.]

The intention behind this bibliography is to provide a resource for scholars and critics who have an interest in the Russian and Soviet SF tradition but lack an adequate proficiency in the language to pursue that interest. There is a fair amount of material available in English translation—more, perhaps, than for any other body of foreign SF—but it is no easy matter to discover what is available. The following compilation is meant to obviate that informational problem, and thereby spur attention to one of the most extensive and significant SF traditions in the world.                

The bibliography includes Russian and Soviet SF works written and published during the last two centuries, running from about 1790 to 1990. The overwhelming majority of them are mid-to-late-20th-century titles; few works of Russian or early Soviet SF or science fantasy have been translated into English.                

Despite efforts to make this listing as complete as possible, some candidates have no doubt eluded discovery, especially in poetry and drama (as produced by the Futurist movement, for example). Other candidates, however, have been deliberately omitted. Translated excerpts or complete works that appear in critical and historical studies, anthologies, and journals devoted primarily or exclusively to topics other than SF or utopian writings have, as a rule, not been included. So, too, a number of authors whose works are part of or have influenced the development of Russian and Soviet SF have been left out simply because none of their SF has been translated. A great deal of the mainstream and adventure fiction of Alexandr Grin (1880-1932), for example, has appeared in English but inasmuch as none of his SF (and virtually none of his SF-related work) has been translated, his name does not figure below. Nor does the listing contain every title that might qualify according to an understanding of the Russian word for SF, which encompasses a much larger field than does science fiction in any strict sense of the term. Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita, for instance, has been excluded. But this is not to say that a rigorous attempt has been made to eliminate all such marginal works, particularly those that may be found in anthologies of short stories purporting to be SF.               

The bibliography is divided into three sections. Part A lists major anthologies and journals devoted to Russian and Soviet SF. Part B lists available translations under the names of individual authors: it includes novel(la)s and anthologies, and analyzes the contents of the short-story collections listed in Part A. (Whenever Part A lists two editions of an anthology which differ in their pagination, an asterisk indicates which edition's page numbers are cited in Part B.)                

Intended to facilitate studies of a single author, entries in Part B contain parenthetical information about common alternate anglicized spellings of the author's name, about pseudonyms, and about dates of birth and death. Next comes the published title of the translation, accompanied—wherever it could be ascertained—by the (transliterated) Russian title and an English rendering of that if different from the published title. This may be followed by the original date of Russian-language publication, with a slash signalling periodical/book publication, respectively. (A date followed by a question mark indicates an approximate assignment, usually as an upper limit for first appearance.)                

Anthologies comprising more than one work are identified as such (and have, as a rule, been ``analyzed,'' with the exception of single-author volumes containing more than eight stories) and the reader may otherwise safely assume that an italicized title signifies a novel-length work. On the other hand, the convention of using quotation marks for items appearing in magazines or as parts of books has been strictly followed and this means that certain entries of novella, or (SF) novel, length are differentiatable from short stories only by considering the data about pagination which the bibliography provides. Wherever more than one English translation of a book exists, these are recorded in chronological order (but also alphabetically by translator if appearing in the same year). As for other entries, the fact that translations differ is specified only if those translations have the same English title—which is also to say that variant English renderings of a title may rightly be supposed to signify alternative translations of the work itself.                

Finally, Part C gives a short list of selected resource materials consulted in preparing this bibliography. As a rule, any primary work which these sources mentioned was examined to ensure against ``bibliographical ghosts'' but those sources were also used to help fill in some of the gaps concerning such works.

A. Short-Story Anthologies and Magazines

AM          The Air of Mars and Other Stories of Space and Time. Ed. & trans. Mirra Ginsburg. NY:  Macmillan, 1976.
ATOS      Aliens, Travellers and Other Strangers. Trans. Roger DeGaris. NY: Macmillan, 1984.
BoS         Ballad of the Stars. Ed. Henrik Altov & Valentina Zhuravlyova. Trans. Roger DeGaris. NY: Macmillan, 1982.
DA          Destination: Amaltheia. Ed. Richard Dixon, trans. Leonid Kolesnikov. Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1962.
E&E       Earth and Elsewhere. Trans. Roger DeGaris. NY: Macmillan, 1985.
EBL        Everything But Love. Trans. Arthur Shkarovsky. Moscow: Mir  Publishers, 1973.
HoS        The Heart of the Serpent. Trans. R. Prokofieva. Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1960. Contents apparently identical to More Soviet Science Fiction (q.v.).
ISF          International Science Fiction, 1.2 (June 1968). A special issue devoted to translations of Russian and (other) European SF.
JATW      Journey Across Three Worlds. Trans. Gladys Evans, with an introduction by G. Gurevich. Moscow: Mir Publishers, 1973.
LDA        Last Door to Aiya. Ed. & trans. Mirra Ginsburg. NY: S.G. Phillips, 1968.
TMC       The Molecular Cafe. Trans. unattributed. Moscow: Mir Publishers, 1968.
MSSF     More Soviet Science Fiction. Trans. R. Prokofieva with an introduction by Isaac Asimov. NY: Collier Books, 1962. Contents identical to The Heart of the Serpent.
NSSF      New Soviet Science Fiction. Trans. Helen Saltz Jacobson. NY: Macmillan, 1979.
ORPH     ORPHIA: Slavonic Science Fiction & Fantasy Magazine. A monthly magazine of Slavic SF, criticism and commentary in English translation published by SCC Computer in Sofia, Bulgaria. The first issue appeared in March 1990. References are given in the format: ORPH90 #1/1:180-85 = ORPHIA 1990, issue (also month) #1 of that year, whole #1, pp. 180-85.
OWOS    Other Worlds, Other Seas. Ed. with an introduction by Darko Suvin trans. various (see ``Acknowledgement''). *NY: Random House, 1970 Berkley Medallion Books, 1972. SF from Eastern Europe and the USSR. Useful introductory essay and brief author bionotes.
PIU         Path into the Unknown. Trans. unattributed, introduction by Judith Merril. London: MacGibbon & Kee, 1966; NY: Delacorte Press & Dell, 1968.*
PRSF      Pre-Revolutionary Russian Science Fiction: An Anthology. Ed. & trans. Leland Fetzer. Ann Arbor, MI: Ardis, 1982. Useful bionotes and introductory comments.
RSF        Russian Science Fiction. Ed. Robert Magidoff, trans. Doris Johnson. NY: New York UP, 1964. Contains brief bionotes on the authors.
RSF68    Russian Science Fiction 1968. Ed. Robert Magidoff, trans. Helen Jacobson. NY: New York UP, 1968. Contains brief bionotes on the authors.
RSF69    Russian Science Fiction 1969. Ed. Robert Magidoff; translations attributed separately. NY: New York UP, 1969. Contains brief bionotes on the authors.
SL           Soviet Literature. A monthly published by the Writers Union of the USSR. Individual references given in the same format as for ORPHIA (see above). The following special SF issues also contain folios of Soviet SF artists and illustrators: SL68 #5/239 (various translators, good bionotes), SL82 #1/406, SL84 #2/431, SL85 #6/447, SL86 #12/465, SL87 #12/477, SL88 #12/489 (includes some SF poetry, various translators). No special SF issue appeared in 1989 or 1990. Issues prior to 1964 do not have whole numbers.
SSF         Soviet Science Fiction Trans. Violet L. Dutt, introduction by Isaac Asimov. NY: Collier Books, 1962. Contents apparently identical to A Visitor from Outer Space (q.v.).
ToB         Tower of Birds. Trans. Holly Smith. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1989.
TUT        The Ultimate Threshold. Ed. & trans. Mirra Ginsburg. NY: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1970; Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin Books, 1978. (Pagination in the two editions is identical.)
VAS        View from Another Shore. Ed. Franz Rottensteiner translations attributed separately. *NY: Seabury Press, 1973; San Diego, CA: HBJ/Jove, 1978. Pan-European SF anthology.
VOS        A Visitor from Outer Space. Trans. Violet L. Dutt. Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1961. Contents apparently identical to Soviet Science Fiction (q.v.).
VOR        Vortex: New Soviet Science Fiction. Ed. C.G. Bearne. London: MacGibbon & Kee, 1970 & Pan Books, 1971.
WQA       When Questions Are Asked. Translations attributed separately. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1989.
WS          World's Spring. Ed. Vladimir Gakov, trans. Roger DeGaris. NY: Macmillan, 1981. Useful introductory and biographical notes.

B. Individual Author Citations

Abramov, Alexander & Sergei. Horsemen from Nowhere. Trans. George Yankovsky. Moscow: Mir Publishers, 1969.
—————.``Journey Across Three Worlds'' (``Khozhdenie za tri mira,'' 1966). JATW 15-203.
—————. ``The Tale of the Abominable Snowman.'' ToB 101-72.
—————. ``The Time Scale.'' VOR 30-63.
Abramov, Sergei. ``Wanted, a Miracle.'' Trans. Monica Whyte. SL85 #1/442:3-53.
Adamovich, Ales' (1927-  ). ``The Last Pastorale'' (``Posledniaia patoral,''1987). Trans. S. Roy. SL87 #8/473:7-86.
Aitmatov, Chingiz. The Day Lasts More than a Hundred Years (I dol'she veka dlitsia den' = And the Day Lasts Longer Than a Century, 1980/81). Trans. John French. London: Macdonald & Co., 1983 Bloomington, IN: Indianapolis UP, 1983, 1988.
Altov (b. Altshuller), Henrik (Ghenrikh) (1926-  ). ``A Clinic Called  Peregrin.'' Trans. Natalia Perova. SL87 #12/477:4-22.
—————. ``The Donkey Axiom.'' BoS 20-51.
—————. ``Icarus and Dædalus'' (1968). UT 1-8.
Altov, Henrik. ``The Master Builder.'' OWOS 119-32.
—————. ``Nine Minutes.'' WS 48-60 SL81 #3/396: 181-86. Trans. differ.
—————. ``The Port of Rock Storms.'' WS 12-37.
—————. ``The Star Captain Legends.'' BoS 52-72.
—————. ``The Star River Test.'' BoS 1-19.
—————. & Valentina Zhuravlyova. ``Ballad of the Stars.'' BoS 170-280.
Amnuel, Pavel (1944-  ). ``On Course.'' Trans. William Kendall. SL82 #1/406:40-64.
Amosov (Amosoff), Nikolai M. (1913-  ). Notes from the Future (Zapiski iz budushchego). Trans. George St George. NY: Simon & Schuster, 1970.
Andreyev (Andreev), Igor. ``Griffin's Cat.'' Trans. Diana Russell. SL85     #3/444:176-81.
Anfilov, Gleb. ``Erem'' (1963). UT 9-14.
Ardamasky, Vasily I. (1911-  ). Saturn Is Almost Invisible (Saturn pochti ne viden). Trans. Fainna Glagoleva. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1967.
Babenko, Vitali (1950-  ). ``A Curse and a Blessing.'' Trans. Alice Ingman. SL85 #6/447:4-30.
—————. ``The Encounter'' (``Vstrecha,'' 1986). Trans. Irina Sokolov. SL88  #12/489:6-46.
Bakhnov (Baknov), Vladen (Vladlen) (1924-  ). ``According to Scientific   Data.'' ATOS 15-23.
—————. ``Beware of the Ahs!'' NSSF 105-14.
—————. ``Cheap Sale.'' NSSF 97-104.
—————. ``The Fifth on the Left.'' ATOS 142-55.
—————. ``Mutiny.'' RSF68 204-11.
—————. ``A Remark Concerning a Little Something About the Devil.'' ATOS 136-41.
—————. ``The Robotniks.'' SL68 138-39; RSF68 202-03. Trans. differ.
—————. ``Speaking of Demonology.'' Trans. V. Talmy. SL68 #5/239:141-44; rpt. RSF69 31-35.
—————. ``The Story of a Man Who Once Was a Genius'' (``Rasskaz  cheloveka, kotoryi byl geniem,'' 1966). Trans. V. Talmy. SL68 #5/239: 140-41.
—————. ``Twelve Holidays'' (1969). AM 61-70.
—————. ``Unique.'' RSF69 21-30.
Balabukha, Andrei. ``Appendix'' (``Appendiks,'' 1967). WS 181-94.
Belayev (Beliaev, Belyaev), Alexander (Aleksandr) (1884-1942). ``Amba.''  Trans. Eve Manning. SL68 #5/239: 55-73.
—————. The Amphibian (Chelovek-amfibiya = Man-amphibian, 1928). Ed. R. Dixon, trans. L. Kolesnikov. Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1959; Raduga, 1986.
—————. ``Hoity-Toity.'' SSF 19-88; VOS 5-82.
—————. ``Invisible Light'' (1938). RSF 19-30; SL84 #2/431:169-79. Trans. differ.
—————. ``Over the Abyss.'' DA 39-66.
Belayev, Alexander. Professor Dowell's Head (Golova professora Douelya, 1925). Trans. Antonia W. Bouis. NY: Macmillan, 1980.
—————. The Struggle in Space. Trans. Albert Parry. Washington, DC: ArFor Publishers, 1965.
Berestov, Valentin (1928-  ). ``Hullo, Parnassus!'' Trans. V. Talmy. SL68   #5/239:134-37.
Berezhnoy, Vasil. ``Mother's Voice.'' SL81 #10/403:167-69.
Bilenkin, Dmitri (1933-87). ``The Air of Mars'' (1969). AM 126-38.
—————. ``Born to Fly.'' Trans. Evgenii Filippov. SL84 #2/431:72-78.
—————. ``City and Wolf.'' WS 117-43.
—————. ``Crossing of the Paths.'' ATOS 169-82.
—————. ``The Force of Life.'' Trans. Evgenii Filippov. SL81 #7/400:182-88.
—————. ``The Human Burden.'' Trans. William Kendall. SL82 #1/406: 65-78.
—————. ``The Lure of Earth.'' Trans. Clive Liddiard. SL86 #12/465:98-123.
—————. ``Once At Night.'' WS 265-71.
—————. ``Personality Probe.'' NSSF 54-74.
—————. ``The Surf of Mars.'' WS 3-11.
—————. The Uncertainty Principle (1978). Trans. Antonia W. Bouis. NY: Macmillan, 1978. 18 short stories.
Blokhin, Nilolai (1949-  ). ``Replicas.'' Trans. Evgenii Filippov. SL85           #6/447:120-32.
Bogdanov (Malinovski), Alexander A. (1873-1928). ``Red Star. A Utopia''[``Krasnaia zvesda (Utopiia),'' 1908]. PRSF 74-179.
—————. Red Star: The First Bolshevik Utopia. Ed. Loren H. Graham & Richard Stites, trans. Charles Rougle. Bloomington, IN: Indiana UP, 1984. In addition to the title story, this volume comprises ``Engineer Menni'' (``Inzhener Menni,'' 1913—the sequel to ``Red Star'') and ``A Martian Stranded On Earth'' (1924—a poem).
Bogoras, Waldemar. Sons of the Mammoth. Trans. Stephen Graham. NY: Cosmopolitan Book Corp., 1929.
Briusov (Brusoff, Bryusov), Valeri (-y) Y. (1873-1924). ``The Last Martyrs'' (``Poslednie mucheniki,'' 1907). PRSF 244-53.
—————. The Republic of the Southern Cross and Other Stories. Trans. unattributed. London: Constable, 1918; NY: McBride, 1919. The title story (``Respublika iuzhnogo kresta,'' 1907) can also be found in PRSF 229-43. Trans. differ.
Bukur, Vyacheslav (1952-  ). ``He Repaired Me'' (``On menya otremontir   oval,'' 1988). Trans. Bill Bowring. SL88 #12/489:46-59.
Bulgakov, Mikhail (1891-1940). Diabolaid and Other Stories (D'iavoliada,1925). Ed. Ellendea & Carl R. Proffer, trans. Carl R. Proffer. Bloomington, IN: Indiana UP, 1972.
—————``The Fatal Eggs'' (``Rokovye iaitsa,'' 1925). (a) In The Fatal Eggs and Other Soviet Satire. Ed. & trans. Mirra Ginsburg. NY: Macmillan, 1965. 53-133. (b) In Russian Literature of the Twenties: An Anthology, ed. Carl R. Proffer et al. Ann Arbor, MI: Ardis, 1987, 227-85. Also see the other two entries for Bulgakov.
—————. The Heart of a Dog (Sobachye serdtse, 1925). (a) Trans. Michael Glenny. London: Collins-Harvill, & NY: Harcourt Brace Wolff, 1968. (b) Trans. Mirra Ginsburg. NY: Grove Press, 1968, 1982. (c) Trans. Kathleen Cook-Horujy & Avril Pyman, as The Heart of a Dog and Other Stories. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1990. Contains the title story, ``Diabolaid,'' and ``The Fatal Eggs.''
Bulgarin, Faddei (Thaddeus) V. (1789-1859). ``Plausible Fantasies or a Journey in the 29th Century'' (``Pravdopodobnyia nebylitsy ili Stranstvovanie po svetu v dvadtsat deviatom veke,'' 1824). PRSF 5-34.
Bulychev (Bulichev), Kirill (Kir) (pseud. of Igor Mozheiko, 1934-  ). ``Alice's Travels.'' SL85 #1/442:101-12. Excerpt from The Girl From Earth.
—————. ``Another's Memory.'' E&E 135-215.
—————. ``The Choice.'' WS 272-85.
—————. ``The Empty House.'' ATOS 156-68.
—————. ``The Girl Nothing Happens To.'' JATW 303-42.
—————. ``The Girl Who Triumphs Over Everything.'' SL83 #8/425:172-81; also, as ``Life is So Dull For Little Girls,'' in RSF68 107-23. Excerpt from The Girl From Earth.
—————. Gusliar Wonders (Chudesa v Gusliaro, 1972). Trans. Roger DeGaris. NY: Macmillan, 1983. Short-story collection.
—————. Half a Life. Trans. Helen Saltz Jacobson. NY: Macmillan, 1977.  Short-story collection comprising: ``Half a Life,'' 1-49; ``I Was the First to Find You,'' 50-63; ``Protest,'' 64-77; ``May I Please Speak to Nina?'' 78-90; ``Red Deer, White Deer,'' 91-102; ``The First Layer of Memory,'' 114-42; and ``Snowmaiden'' (see below).
—————. ``It Never Pays to Make a Sorcerer Mad!'' ToB 198-210; and as ``Don't Make the Wizard Mad,'' in Gusliar Wonders, 212-19.
—————. ``Share It With Me.'' NSSF 42-53.
—————. ``Snow-Girl.'' SL84 #2/431:79-86; and as ``Snowmaiden,'' in Half  a Life, 103-13.
—————. ``Tacan for the Children of the Earth'' (1972). AM 41-52.
—————. ``A Tenderfoot in the Desert.'' Trans. W. Greenwood. SL82   #7/412:70-80.
—————. ``Two Tickets to India.'' Trans. Clive Liddiard. SL87 #12/477:  106-38.
—————. ``An Ugly Bioform.'' WS 144-66.
—————. ``The White Dress of Cinderella.'' Trans. Clive Liddiard. SL86   #12/465:41-93.
Chernyshevsky (-ski), Nikolai G. (1828-1929). ``Vera Pavlovna's Fourth    Dream'' (``Chertvertyi son Very Pavlovny,'' an excerpt from What is To Be Done?, 1863). PRSF 58-68.
—————. What Is To Be Done? (Chto delat'?, 1863). (a) Trans. Benjamin R. Tucker. Boston: B.R. Tucker, 1886. There is also a revised and abridged version of Tucker by Ludmilla B. Turkevich. NY: Vintage/Random House, 1961, and an expanded version of Tucker by Cathy Porter. London: Virago, 1983. (b) Trans. Nathan H. Dole & S.S. Sidelsky, as A Vital Question or, What is to Be Done? NY: T.Y. Crowell, 1886; facsimile rpt., with an introduction by Kathryn Feuer, Ann Arbor, MI: Ardis, 1986. (c) Trans. Laura Beraha. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1983. (d) Trans. Michael R. Katz, annotated by William G. Wagner. Ithaca, NY: Cornell UP, 1989. Unabridged translation. Bibliography includes listing of other English-language editions.
Chudakova, Marietta. ``Life Space.'' WS 226-36.
Daniel, Yuri (a.k.a. ``Nikolai Arzhak,'' 1925-  ). This Is Moscow Speaking (Govorit Moskva). Trans. S. Hood et al. from a French edition. London: Harvill, 1968; NY: Dutton, 1969 & Collier, 1970. Short-story collection.
Dneprov (Dnieprov), Anatoly (pseud. of A.P. Mitskevitch) (1919-75). ``Crabs On the Island.'' MC 29-58; as ``The Island of the Crabs'' in OWOS 197-217 and ISF 49-62; and as ``Crabs Take Over the Island'' in SL68 91-111, rpt. RSF69 36-61.
—————. ``Fifth State.'' Trans. Alexandr Blokh. SL63 #4/no whole no.: 86-104.
—————. ``Formula for Immortality'' (1963). NSSF 115-40; UT 15-46. Trans. differ.
—————. ``The Heroic Feat.'' RSF68 54-72.
—————. ``Interview with a Traffic Policeman.'' OWOS 175-79.
—————. ``The Maxwell Equations'' (1960). DA 67-142; rpt. in RSF 169-203.
—————. ``The Purple Mummy'' (1965). PIU 163-90.
—————. ``Siema.'' MSSF 89-122; HoS  115-64.
—————. ``The S*T*A*P*L*E Farm.'' OWOS 181-96.
—————. ``When Questions Are Asked'' (1963). Title story in WQA 7-28; in UT 47-61. Trans. differ.
—————. ``The World in Which I Disappeared'' (1962). LDA 11-26; ISF 82-92 WS 61-75 (as ``The World in Which I Vanished'').
Dostoyevsky (Dostoevski), Fyodor M. (1821-81). ``The Dream of a  Ridiculous Man'' (``Son smeshnogo cheloveka,'' 1877). (a) Trans. Constance Garnett. In The Short Stories of... Ed. with an Introduction by William Phillips. NY: The Dial Press, 1946. 593-614. (b) Trans. David Magarshack. In Great Short Works of... NY: Harper & Row, 1968. 715-38.
Drozd, Vladimir (1939-  ). ``Pygmalion.'' Trans. Monica Whyte. SL84  #2/431:95-104.
Drugal, Sergei (1927-  ). ``Every Tree Has Its Bird.'' ToB 293-315.
—————. ``Tishka's Syndrome.'' Trans. Richard Hainsworth. SL87 #12/477:58-69.
Dudintsev, Vladimir D. (1918-  ). ``A New Year's Fairy Tale.'' RSF 218-45, and in a different translation in A New Year's Tale.
Dudintsev, Vladimir D. A New Year's Tale. Trans. Gabriella Azrael. NY:    Dutton & London: Hutchinson, 1960.
Efremov, Ivan. See Yefremov.
Emtsev (Yemtsev), Mikhail T. (1930-  ) & Eremei I. Parnov (1935-  ).``Everything But Love'' (``Vozvratite liubov!'' = Bring Back Love, 1966). EBL 77-142; rpt. in Countdown to Midnight, ed. H. Bruce Franklin. NY: DAW, 1984. 208-66.
—————. ``He Who Leaves No Trace'' (1963). UT 200-44.
—————. ``The Last Door.'' Trans. Mirra Ginsburg. ISF 9-34
—————. ``Last Door to Aiya.'' LDA 92-130.
—————. ``The Mystery of the Green Crossing.'' RSF68 139-73.
—————. ``The Pale Neptune Equation'' (``Uravnenie s blednogo Neptuna''). NSSF 192-231.
—————. ``The Snowball.'' JATW 223-52; WQA 144-75. Trans. differ.
—————. ``The White Pilot'' (1969). AM 71-94.
—————. World Soul (Dusha mira, 1964).  Trans. Antonia W. Bouis. NY: Macmillan, 1978.
Fedin, Konstantin. Cities and Years (1924). Trans. Michael Scammell.Westport, CT: Hyperion, 1962.
Fialko, N. The New City. NY: Margent, 1937. Drama.
Firsov, Vladimir (1937-  ). ``Kangaroo'' (``Kenguru,'' 1975). Trans. Eve Manning. SL82 #1/406:78-92.
Gansovsky, Sever (1918-  ). ``(A) Day of Wrath'' (``Den gneva,'' 1964). WS 239-64; PIU 57-88; and as ``Day of Anger,'' in SL87 #12/477:22-42; EBL 46-76, and in the collection of the same title, 91-122. All five trans. differ.
—————. The Day of Wrath. Trans. Alexander Repyev. Moscow: Mir Publishers, 1989. Short-story collection.
—————. ``The New Signal Station.'' LDA 27-54.
—————. ``A Part of the World.'' E&E 60-134; and in diff. trans., in The Day of Wrath, 255-368.
—————. ``Testing Grounds'' (``Poligon,'' 1969). WS 82-103; and as ``The Proving Ground,'' in VAS 169-87.
—————. ``The Two.'' JATW 285-302.
—————. ``Vincent Van Gogh.'' ATOS 52-118; and in diff. trans., in The Day of Wrath, 6-90.
—————. ``We Are Not Alone'' (1964). AM 53-60.
Gevorkyan, Eduard (1947-  ). ``The Sentence (Goodbye, September!...).'' Trans. Raissa Babrova. SL87 #12/477: 42-58.
Glazkov, Yuri (1939-  ). ``Black Silence'' (``Chernoe bezmolvie,'' 1987).  Trans. Margaret Tate.  SL85 #6/447:111-20.
—————. ``The Mirror Planet'' (1988?). Trans. Graham Whittaker. In When -the Music's Over, ed. Lewis Shiner. NY: Bantam Spectra, 1991. 98-102.
Golovanov, Yaroslav (1934-  ). ``Those Who Forge the Thunder.'' SL64   #8/no whole #: 3-59.
Gor, Gennady S. (1907-81). ``The Boy.'' PIU 123-62; WQA 29-101. Trans.   differ.
Gor, Gennady S. `` A Dweller in Two Worlds'' (1964). RSF68 3-39.
—————. ``The Garden'' (1968). AM 107-25; RSF69 62-78. Trans. differ.
—————. ``The Great Actor Jones.'' WS 195-216.
—————. ``The Minotaur.'' RSF69 150-210.
—————. ``Theocrates' Blue Window'' (``Sinee okno Feokrita,'' 1967). NSSF 75-96.
Gorbovskii (-y), Andrei. ``Coincidence.'' WS 294-97.
—————. ``Futility.'' VOR 64-70.
—————. ``He Will Wake in Two Hundred Years.'' VOR 122-32.
—————. ``The Stanislavsky Method.'' WS 217-25.
Greshnov, Mikhail (1916?-  ). ``The Golden Lotus, a Legend.'' LDA 55-73.
Grigoriev, Vladimir (1935-  ). ``The Horn of Plenty'' (1964). UT 62-79.
—————. ``My Colleague.'' LDA 74-83.
—————. ``An Old Robot's Two Times Two.'' WS 286-93.
—————. ``Vanya.'' LDA 84-91.
Gurevich, Georgi (1917-  ). ``Atants.'' Trans. Richard Hainsworth. SL87 #12/477:138-71.
—————. ``Infra Draconis'' (1961). SSF 151-72; VOS 163-84.
Ibraghimbekov, M. ``Santo Di Chavez.'' EBL 152-71.
Iskander, Fazil (1929-  ). The Goatibex Constellation. Trans. Helen Bur-  lingame. Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1975.
Ivanov, Vsevolod V. (1895-1963). Selected Stories (Izbrannye rasskazy).  Moscow: Mir Publishers, 1983.
—————. ``Sisyphus, Son of Aeolus'' (``Sisif, syn Eola,'' 1970). VAS 189-209 and Stories (above). Trans. differ.
Kabakov, Alexander. No Return (Novozvrashchenets, 1989). Trans. Thomas Whitney. NY: William Morrow, 1990.
Kantor, Vladimir. ``The Toy-Pistol.'' ToB 246-56.
Kassil, Lev (Leo) A. (1905-70). Land of Shvambrania (Shvambranya). Trans. Sylvia Glass & Norbert Guterman. NY: Viking, 1935.
Katsura, Alexander (1941-  ) & Valery Ghenkin (1940-  ). ``Equations  Without Unknowns'' (``Uravneniye bez neizvestnykh,'' 1984). Trans. Richard Hainsworth. SL88 #12/489:65-80.
Kazantsev, Alexander (1906-  ). Against the Wind. Trans. S. Apresyan. Moscow: Foreign Language Publishing House, 1960? Short-story collection.
—————. The Destruction of Faena. Trans. Alex Miller. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1989.
—————. ``The Martian.'' SSF 135-50; VOS 149-62.
—————. ``A Visitor from Outer Space'' (``Gost' iz kosmosa,'' 1961). SSF 115-34; VOS 110-48.
Khlebnikov (Xlebnikov), Alexander (1926-  ). ``Flashback from the Future.'' Trans. Clive Liddiard. SL85 #6/447: 132-66.
—————. ``Human Frailty.'' RSF69 79-82.
—————. The King of Time: Selected Writings of the Russian Futurian. Ed. Charlotte Douglas, trans. Paul Schmidt. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1985.
—————. Snake Train: Poetry and Prose. Ed. Gary Kern et al. Ann Arbor, MI: Ardis, 1976.
Khlumov, Vladimir (1952-  ). ``Anniversary Date'' (``Godovshchina,'' 1987). Trans. Diana Russell. SL88 #12/489: 61-65.
Kolupaev (Kolupayev), Victor D. (1936-  ). Hermit's Swing. Trans. Helen Saltz Jacobson. NY: Macmillan, 1980. Short-story collection.
—————. ``Inspiration.'' ToB 24-43.
—————. ``Model Seven'' (Model' sem'). Trans. Natalia Perova. SL88 #12/489:118-33.
—————. ``The Newsstand.'' WQA 176-205, and in Hermit's Swing 69-88 (above). Trans. differ.
—————. ``The Piano-Tuner.'' ToB 7-24
—————. ``Strange Trees'' (``Kakie smeshnye derev'ia!'' 1975). SL84   #2/431:87-94; and as ``What Funny Trees,'' in Hermit's Swing 89-99 (above).
—————. ``A Ticket to Childhood'' (1969). AM 95-106.
—————. ``The Very Biggest House.'' WS 167-78; and as ``The Biggest House,'' in Hermit's Swing 57-68 (above).
—————. ``World's Spring.'' WS 38-47.
Korabelnikov, Oleg. ``Tower of Birds.'' ToB 316-98; E&E 275-315. Trans. differ.
Kozinets, Ludmilla (1953-  ). ``On Friday At About Seven.'' Trans. Nicholas Short. SL85 #6/447:41-44.
Krapivin, Vitaly. ``I'm Going to Meet My Brother.'' MC 76-117; and as ``Meeting My Brother,'' in PIU 21-56.
Krivich, M. ``Plays and Wins.'' ATOS 198-205.
Ksionzhek, Vladislav. ``The Boy, the Old Man, and the Dog.'' ToB 211-22.
Kuprin, Alexander I. (1879-1938). ``Liquid Sunshine'' (``Zhidkoe solntse,'' 1913). PRSF 185-225.
—————. ``A Toast'' (``Tost,'' 1906). PRSF 182-84.
Kupriyanov, Vyacheslav. ``The Spade.'' SL85 #6/447:185-88.
Larionova, Olga (1935-  ). ``Creation of Worlds'' (``Sotvoreniye mirov,'' 1983?). Trans. Sergei Sossinsky. SL89, #3/492:115-30.
—————. ``Divorce Martian Style'' (``Razvod po marsianski,'' 1967). Trans.Nicholas Short. SL87 #12/477:70-79.
—————. ``A Tale of Kings.'' E&E 216-74.
—————. ``Temira'' (1971). AM 1-30.
—————. ``The Useless Planet'' (``Planeta, kotoraia nichego ne mozhet dat,''1967). UT 80-121; and as ``The Planet With Nothing to Offer,'' in ToB 44-100.
Leonov, Leonid (1899-  ). Road to the Ocean (Doroga na Okean, 1935). Trans. Norbert Guterman. NY: L.B. Fischer, 1944.
Lukin, Evgeni  & Lyubov Lukin (both 1950-  ). ``The Authoritative Voice.'' Trans. Eve Manning. SL85 #6/447:45-57.
Lukodyanov, Isai. See Voiskunsky.
Lunz (Lunts), Lev (1901-24). The City of Truth (Gerod pravdy, 1924).London: Fitzpatrick, 1929. Drama.
Lvov, Arkady. ``The Seventh Floor.'' JATW 343-96.
Maximov (Maksimov), G/Herman. ``The Ultimate Threshold'' (1965). Title story in UT 122-36; WS 104-16. Trans. differ.
Mayakovsky, Vladimir (1893-1930). The Bedbug (Klop, 1929). (a) Trans. Guy Daniels. The Complete Plays of Vladimir Mayakovsky. NY: Washington Square Press, 1968. 141-96. (b) Trans. Max Hayward & George Reavey. The Bedbug and Selected Poetry. Bloomington & London: Indiana UP, 1975. 241-303. (c) Trans. Kathleen Cook-Horujy. In Vladimir Mayakovsky: Selected Works in Three Volumes. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1987. 3:75-116. (d) Trans. Joel Scannell. Russian Literature of the Twenties: An Anthology. Ed. Carl R. Proffer et al. Ann Arbor, MI: Ardis, 1987. 467-502. Drama.
—————. The Bathhouse (1930). In (a) above, 197-264. Drama.
Medvedev, Yuri. The Chariot of Time. Trans. Robert King. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1988. Short-story collection, comprising ``The Cup of Patience,'' ``Where Are You Hurrying, Ant?,'' and ``The Bride's Room.''
Melnikov, Anatoli (1930-  ). ``The Ballarat Burglary.'' Trans. Jessie Davies. SL86 #12/465:160-76.
—————. ```I Rammed the Charge Home into the Breech''' (``Zabil snaryad ya v pushku tugo...,'' 1986). Trans. Jessie Davies. SL88 #12/489:134-38.
—————. ``It Happened On the Isle of Man'' (1982). Trans. Jessie Davies.         SL85 #6/447:80-90.
Mikhailov, Vladimir. ``Brook on Iapetus.'' ATOS 24-51.
Mikhanovsky, Vladimir (1914-  ). ``The Chase.'' SL81 #8/401:177-84.
—————. The Doubles. Various translators. Moscow: Progress Publishers,1981; Raduga Publishers, 1987. Short-story collection, including ``The Doubles,'' ``The Land of Inforia,'' ``Ends and Means,'' and ``The Violet.''
—————. ``First Contact.'' Trans. Diana Turner. SL86 #12/465:131-56.
Mirer, Arkady. ``The Obsidian Knife.'' WQA 226-67.
—————. ``The Old Road.'' VOR 82-109.
—————. ``The Test.'' VOR 71-81.
Nabokov, Vladimir (1899-1977). The Waltz Invention (1938). Trans. Dmitri Nabokov. NY: Phaedra, 1966. Drama.
Obruchev (Obroutchev), Vladimir A. (1863-1956). Plutonia (1924). Trans.Fainna Solasko. Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1957; NY: Criterion Books, 1961; and Raduga Publishers, 1988.
—————. Sannikov Land (Zemlia Sannikova, 1926). (a) Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1955. (b) London: Harrap, 1968 (as Sannikov's Land).
Obukhova, Lydia (1924-  ). Daughter of Night (Lilit = Lilith). Trans.Mirra Ginsburg. NY: Macmillan, 1974; Avon/Bard, 1982.
Odoevsky (-ski) Vladimir Fedorovich (1803-69). ``The City Without a Name'' (1836/39). Trans. Alex Miller. In Russian Nineteenth Century Gothic Tales. Ed. Valentin Korovin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1984. 333-49.
—————. ``The Sylph'' (1837/39). (a) Trans. Joel Stern. In Russian Romantic Prose. Ed. Carl R. Proffer. Ann Arbor, MI: Translation Press, 1979. 57-73. (b) Trans. Alex Miller (as ``The Sylphide'') in Russian Nineteenth Century Gothic Tales (see above). 297-320.
—————. ``The Year 4338: Letters from Petersburg'' (``Peterburgskie pis'ma 4338-i god''—prose fragments, 1835 & 1840). PRSF 35-37; also in Russian Nineteenth Century Gothic Tales (see above), 271-96 (trans. Alex Miller).
Okhotnikov, Vadim. ``The Fiction Machines.'' RSF 57-63.
Olgin, O. See M. Krivich.
Osinsky, Vladimir. ``Spaceship.'' ATOS 127-35.
Panasenko, Leonid (1949-  ). ``A Canvas for Siqueiros.'' SL81 #9/402:179-84.
—————. ``The Dialogue.'' Trans. Diana Russell. SL82 #1/406:111-18.
—————. ``Footprints in the Sand.'' SL80 #8/389:160-64.
—————. ``No Line to Macondo?'' SL83 #10/427:169-79.
—————. ``Once in the Life of Atlas.'' Trans. Diana Russell. SL84 #7/436:169-75.
Parnov, Eremei (Yeremei) (1935-  ). ``Awake in Famagusta'' (1989?). Trans.Andrew Bromfield. SL89 #12/501:44-133. Abridgement of a novel.
Pavlenko, Petr (Peter) A. (1899-1951). Red Planes Fly East. Trans. Stephen Garry. NY: International Publishers, 1938.
Platonov, Andrei (1899-1951). Chevengur. Trans. Anthony Olcott. Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1978.
Podolny (Podol'nyi), Roman (1933-  ). ``Invasion'' (1966). UT 137-40.
—————. ``The Last Story About Telepathy.'' SL84 #2/431:185-89.
—————. ``Tales of the Distant Past.'' RSF68 48-53.
—————. ``Who Will Believe It?'' Trans. Diana Russell. SL84 #6/435:157-59.
Pokrovsky, Vladimir (1948-  ). ``The World's Last War'' (``Samaia posledniaia voina'' = The Very Last War, 1984). Trans. Robert Daglish.  SL85 #6/447:57-66.
Poleshchuk, Alexander. ``Homer's Secret.'' LDA 131-44; and as ``The Secret of Homer,'' MC 59-75.
Polishchuk, Vasily. ``Theorem 54.'' WQA 206-25.
Prashkevich, Ghenady. ``Virtual Hero or the Law of Universal Gravity.'' ORPH90 #1/1:180-85.
Pukhov, Mikhail (1944-  ). ``Counter Attack.'' ToB 257-77.
—————. ``Flowers of the Earth.'' Trans. Evgenii Filippov. SL84 #2/431:116-20.
—————. ``Pressed for Time.'' SL81 #4 /397:187-92.
Radishchev, Aleksandr N. (1749-1802). A Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow (Puteshestvie iz Peterburga v Moskvu, 1790). Ed. with an introduction by R.P. Thaler, trans. Leo Wiener. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1958. Non-fiction social commentary, but the chapters titled
``Khotilov'' and ``Vydropusk'' contain passages of utopian socio-political anticipation.
Razgovorov, Nikita (1920-  ). ``Four Times Pattering Four.'' Trans. Eve Manning. SL64 #12/no whole #:91-123.
Romanovsky, Boris (1932-  ). ``The Blue Swan.'' Trans. Alice Ingman. SL82 #1/406:120-43.
Rosokhovatsky, Igor (1929-  ). ``Desert Encounter.'' RSF68 40-47.
—————. ```One Less''' (1966). UT 163-67.
—————. ``What Is Man?'' Trans. William Kendall. SL82 #1/406:93-103.
—————.''When You Return'' (1967). UT 141-62; and as ``I'll Come Back All the Same,'' SL88 #5/482:113-26.
Rudenko, Boris (1950-  ). ``A Difficult Case.'' Trans. Monica Whyte. SL85 #6/447: 67-80.
—————. ``Shelter.'' Trans. Monica Whyte. SL84 #2/431:130-45.
Rybakov, Vyacheslav (1954-  ). ``The Artist.'' Trans. Eve Manning. SL84 #2/431:121-27; ToB 278-92. Trans. differ.
—————. ``His Weapon.'' Trans. Richard Hainsworth. SL87 #12/477:80-89.
Safranov, Y. ``Thread of Life.'' RSF68 124-38.
Sagabalyan, Ruslan (1951-  ). ``The Auction.'' Trans. Nicholas Short. SL85 #6/447:90-97.
Saparin, Victor (1905-  ). ``The Magic Shoes.'' RSF 31-38.
—————. ``The Trial of Tantalus.'' MSSF 123-50; HOS 165-206.
Savchenko, Vladimir I. (1933-  ). ``Professor Bern's Awakening'' (``Probuzh denie professora Berna,'' 1960). SSF 173-89; VOS 185-202.
—————. ``The Second Oddball Expedition.'' EBL 13-45.
—————. Self-Discovery (Otkrytie sebia, 1967). Trans. Antonia W. Bouis. NY: Macmillan, 1979.
—————. ``Success Algorithm.'' NSSF 141-91.
Shaikhov, Khodjiakbar. ``On That Unusual Day.'' Trans. Peter Greenwood. SL83 #9/426:169-80.
Shakh, Georgi (1924-  ). ```And Trees Like Horsemen....''' Trans. Kate Jerram. SL87 #12/477:90-106.
Shcherbakov, Vladimir (1938-  ). ``The Discovery of a Planet.'' Trans. Diana Russell. SL82 #1/406:103-10.
—————. ```We Played Under Your Window''' (1966). UT 168-81.
Shefner, Vadim (1915-  ). ``The Friar of Chikola.'' NSSF 232-53.
—————. ``Kovrigin's Chronicles.'' See below, The Unman/Kovrigin's Chronicles.
—————. ``A Modest Genius.'' (``Skromnyi genii,'' 1968). SL68 #5/239:120-33, and RSF69 83-100 (trans. Eve Manning); VAS 211-27; WQA 115-43. Trans. differ.
—————. ``A Provincial's Wings'' (1966?). NSSF 254-97.
—————. ``A Total Mystery.'' Trans. Monica Whyte. SL84 #2/431:38-69.
—————. The Unman/Kovrigin's Chronicles. NY: Macmillan, 1980. Two novellas: ``The Unman,'' trans. A.S. & A. Nakhimovsky, and ``Kovrigin's Chronicles'' (``The Girl By the Precipice, or Kovrigin's Notes,'' 1964), trans. Antonia W. Bouis.
Siletsky, Alexander (1947-  ). ``A Necessary Condition.'' Trans. S. Dickson. SL84 #2/231:105-13.
Skobelev, Eduard. Catastrophe (Katastrofa, 1983). Trans. Sergei Sossinsky. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1989.
Smagin, Boris. ``The Silent Procession.'' VOR 110-21.
Smirnov, Sergei. ``A Flower in a Rucksuck.'' Trans. Eve Manning. SL84   #1/430:173-77.
Snegov, Sergei. Ambassador Without Credentials. Trans. Alex Miller. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1989.
Solovyova, Valentina (1949-  ). ``Wayside Station.'' Trans. Robert Daglish. SL85 #6/447:97-111.
Stanyukovich, Kirill. ``The Golub-Yavan.'' DA 229-54.
Stepanov, Victor (1934-  ). ``The Sickle of the Earth.'' Trans. Hilda Perham & Monica Whyte. SL80 #4/385:46-95.
—————. ``The Thunderers.'' Trans. Eve Manning & Evgeni Filippov. SL86 #1/454:3-104.
—————. The Thunderers. Trans. Andrei Salnikov. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1986. Book version of same title, above.
Stern, Boris. ``A Person Is(An Essential Addition to Asimov's Three    Laws).'' ToB 173-97.
Strugatsky (Strugatski), Arkady (Arkadi) (1925-  ) & Boris (1933-  ). Beetle in an Anthill (Zhuk v muraveinike, 1968). Trans. Antonia W. Bouis. NY: Macmillan, 1980. Second volume of the ``Maxim Trilogy.''
—————. Definitely Maybe (Za milliard let do kontsa sveta = A Billion Years Before the End of the World, 1976). Trans. Antonia W. Bouis. NY: Macmillan, 1978.
—————. ``The Desire Machine.'' Trans. Monica Whyte. SL84 #2/431:6-35. An early scenario for Stalker, the film version of Roadside Picnic, directed by A. Tarkovsky.
—————. ``Destination: Amaltheia'' (``Put na Amalteiiu,'' 1960). Title story in DA 285-420; also in E&E 1-59, as ``The Way to Amalteia.''
—————. ``An Emergency Case.'' PIU 89-108.
—————. Escape Attempt. Trans. Roger DeGaris. NY: Macmillan, 1982. Three novellas: ``Escape Attempt'' (``Popytka k begstvu'' = An Attempted Escape, 1962), 3-100; ``The Kid from Hell'' (``Paren' is preispodnei'' = The Guy from Hell, 1976), 103-91; and ``Space Mowgli'' (``Malysh'' = The Kid, 1971), 195-321.
—————. Far Rainbow (Dalekaia Raduga, 1963/64). Trans. Alan Meyers. Moscow: Mir Publishers, 1967.
—————. Far Rainbow/The Second Invasion from Mars. NY: Macmillan, 1979. Two novellas: ``Far Rainbow,'' trans. Antonia W. Bouis (see previous entry), and ``The Second Invasion from Mars'' (``Vtoroe nashestvie marsian,'' 1968), trans. Gary Kern.
Strugatsky, Arkady & Boris. The Final Circle of Paradise (Khishchnye veschi     veka = Predatory Things of Our Time, 1965). Trans. Leonid Renen. NY: DAW Books, 1976.
—————. ``Five Spoonfuls of Elixir: A Film Script.'' Trans. Clive Liddiard. SL86 #12/465:3-36.
—————. ``From Beyond: A Short Novel'' (1959?). Trans. Winifred Greenwood. SL82 #1/406:8-36.
—————. ``The Gigantic Fluctuation.'' JATW 205-22.
—————. Hard to Be A God (Trudno byt' bogom, 1964). Trans. Wendayne Ackerman. NY: Seabury Press, 1973; DAW Books, 1974.
—————. Inspector Glebsky's Puzzle. NY: Eagle Publishing, 1988.
—————. Monday Begins On Saturday (Ponedelnik nachinaetsia v subbotu, 1965). Trans. Leonid Renen. NY: DAW Books, 1977.
—————. ``Natural Sciences in the World of Ghosts'' (1962). ORPH90 #1/1:28-39; and, as ``Natural Science in the Spirit World,'' in Noon: 22nd Century, 230-42.
—————. Noon: 22nd Century [Vozvrashchenie (Polden'. 22-i vek) = The Homecoming: Noon, 22nd Century, 1962 rev. ed., 1967]. Trans. Patrick L. McGuire. NY: Macmillan, 1978. 20 interconnected short stories.
—————. Prisoners of Power (Obitaemyi ostrov = The Inhabited Island, 1969/71). Trans. Helen Saltz Jacobson. NY: Macmillan, 1977. First volume of the ``Maxim Trilogy.''
—————. Roadside Picnic/Tale of the Troika.  Trans. Antonia W. Bouis. NY: Macmillan, 1977; Pocket Books, 1978. Two novellas: ``Roadside Picnic'' (``Piknik na obochine,'' 1972—cf. also ``The Desire Machine,'' above), and ``Tale of the Troika'' (``Skazka o troike,'' 1968).
—————. ``The Second Martian Invasion.'' VOR 133-224 and—in a different    translation—in Far Rainbow/Second Invasion from Mars (see above).
—————. ``Six Matches'' (``Shest' spichek,'' 1960). MSSF 169-90; SL68 #5/239:74-90; HoS 232-67; and in the World Omnibus of Science Fiction (Penguin, 1986). Trans. differ.
—————. The Snail On the Slope (Ulitka na sklone, 1966/68/72). Trans. Alan Meyers. Intro. by Darko Suvin. London: Gollancz & NY: Bantam Books, 1980.
—————. Space Apprentice (Stazhery = The Apprentices, though occasionally translated as Probationers, 1962). Trans. Antonia W. Bouis. NY: Macmillan, 1982.
—————. ``Spontaneous Reflex.'' SSF 89-114; VOS 83-109.
—————. ``A Tale of True and False Friendship'' (``Povest o druzhbe i   nedruzhbe''). Trans. Clive Liddiard. SL88 #12/489:81-117.
—————. The Time Wanderers (Volny gasiat veter = The Waves Calm the Wind, 1986). Trans. Antonia W. Bouis. NY: Richardson & Steirman, 1986; St Martins, 1988. Third volume of the Maxim Trilogy.
—————. The Ugly Swans (Gadkie lebedi, 1966 & 1967/72). Trans. A.E. & A. Nakhimovsky. NY: Macmillan, 1979.
Strugatsky, Arkady & Boris. ``The Visitors.'' ATOS 206-20.
—————. ``Wanderers and Travelers.'' MC 14-28; PIU 109-22; and, as  ``Pilgrims and Wayfarers,'' in Noon: 22nd Century, 243-53. Trans. differ.
—————. ``The Way to Amalteia.'' E&E 1-59. Cf. ``Destination Amalteia.''
—————. ``The White Cone of the Alaid'' (1961). LDA 145-67; and in significantly altered form, as ``Defeat,'' in Noon: 22nd Century, 281-98. The latter is based on a 1967 revision.
Sviridov, Timur. ``Operation Lifeboat.'' WQA 307-66.
Tendryakov (Tendriakov), Vladimir F. (1923-  ). ``A Century's Journey.''   Trans. Eve Manning. SL65 #10/no whole #:64-137.
Tertz (Terts), Abram (pseud. of Andrei Sinyavsky, 1925-  ). Fantastic Stories(Fantasticheskiye Povesti, 1961). (a) Trans. Max Hayward & R. Hingley. NY: Pantheon, 1963 Grosset & Dunlap, 1967. (b) Trans. anon. Evanston, IL: Northwestern UP, 1987.
—————. The Icicle and Other Stories. London: Collins & Harvill, 1963.
—————. The Makepeace Experiment. Trans. Manya Harari. London: Collins & Harvill; NY: Pantheon & Vintage; Evanston, IL: Northwestern UP—all 1965.
Tolstoi, (Tolstoy), Alexei N. (1883-1945). Aelita. (a) Trans. Lucy Flaxman (based on the revised [1937] ed.). Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1957. (b) Trans. Antonia W. Bouis. NY: Macmillan, 1981. (c) Trans. (based on the original [1922-23] serial version), with an introduction by Leland Fetzer. Ann Arbor, MI: Ardis Publishers, 1985.
—————. The Death Box (Giperboloid inzhenera Garina, 1925). (a) Trans.B.G. Guerney. London: Methuen, 1936. (b) Trans. George Hanna, as The Garin Death Ray. Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1957; Raduga Publishers, 1987. (c) Also published under the title Engineer Garin and His Death Ray. Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1957.
Toman, Nikolay. ``A Debate on SF—Moscow 1965.'' OWOS 163-73.
Tsiolkovsky, Konstantin (1857-1935). Beyond the Planet Earth (Vne zemli, 1896). Trans. Kenneth Sayers. Oxford, UK: Pergamon, 1960.
—————. The Call of the Cosmos. Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House (1960?).
—————. ``On the Moon'' (``Na Lune''). RSF 246-72.
—————. The Path to the Stars. Wright Patterson AFB, OH: Translation Dept., Foreign Technology Division, 1966.
—————. The Science Fiction of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky. Ed. & introduced by ``Adam Starchild.'' Seattle: UP of the Pacific, 1979. Sources and translations unattributed.
Tsyganov, Valery. ``Martian Tales.'' ATOS 183-97.
Varshavsky, Ilya (1903-73). ``Biocurrents, Biocurrents....'' OWOS 147-49.
—————. ``Cadet Ploshkin.'' JATW 253-84.
—————. ``The Conflict.'' PIU 8-10.
—————. ``The Duel.'' NSSF 9-14.
Varshavsky, Ilya. ``Escape.'' NSSF 28-41.
—————. ``The Fancy Dress Ball.'' EBL 7-12.
—————. ``Homunculus.'' Trans. William Kendall. SL82 #1/406:37-40.
—————. ``In Man's Own Image.'' RSF68.188-94.
—————. ``Lectures on Parapsychology.'' OWOS 141-45.
—————. ``The Molecular Cafe'' (1964?). MC 10-13.
—————. ``No Alarming Systems.'' ATOS 1-14.
—————. ``The Noneatrins.'' OWOS 155-62.
—————. ``Out in Space.'' LDA 168-92.
—————. ``Plot for a Novel.'' NSSF 15-27.
—————. ``Preliminary Research'' (1965). UT 182-99.
—————. ``A Raid Takes Place At Midnight.'' Trans. V. Talmy. SL68 #5/239:112-19; rpt. RSF69 101-09.
—————. ``Robby.'' PIU 11-20.
—————. ``The Secrets of the Genre.'' ATOS 119-25.
—————. ``SOMP'' (``SUS,'' 1962). OWOS 151-53.
—————. ``The Sun Sets in Donomag'' (``Solntse zakhodit v Donomage,'' 1966?). WS 76-81.
—————. ``The Violet.'' NSSF 1-8.
Vasilyev, Mikhail (1920-  ). ``Flying Flowers.'' DA 255-94; rpt. RSF 151-68.
Veller, Mikhail. ``Vocation Test.'' Trans. Diana Russell. SL84 #6/435:160-65.
Veltisov, Y. Electronic Boy from the Portmanteau (Elektronik—mal'chik iz chemodana, 1968). Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1969.
Voinovich, Vladimir (1932-  ). Moscow 2042 (Moskorep, 1986). Trans. Richard Lourie. NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1987; HBJ/Harvest, 1990.
Voiskunsky, Evgeny (1922-  ) & Isai Lukodyanov (Lukodianov) (1913-  ).``The Black Pillar.'' MC 126-278.
—————. The Crew of the ``Mekong'' (Ekipazh ``Mekonga,'' 1962). Trans.Leonard Stoklitsky. Moscow: Mir Publishers, 1974.
—————. ``A Farewell On the Shore.'' RSF69 110-45.
—————. ``Formula for the Impossible.'' RSF68 73-106.
Xlebnikov. See Khlebnikov.
Yakubovsky, Askold. ``Mephisto.'' ToB 223-45.
Yarov, Romen (Romain). ``The Founding of Civilization.'' RSF68 195-201; OWOS 133-40; ISF 108-13. Trans. differ.
—————. ``Goodby, Martian!'' MC 118-25.
Yarovoi, Yuri. ``The Crystal House.'' WQA 268-306.
Yefremov (Efremov), Ivan A. (1907-72). Andromeda: A Space-Age Tale(Tumannost' Andromedy = The Andromeda Nebula, 1957/58). Trans. George Hanna. Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1959, 1963; Progress Publishers, 1980; the 1980 edition has an introduction by the author.
—————. ``Cor Serpentis'' (``Serdce zmei'' = Heart of the Serpent, 1959). RSF 102-50; SL68 #5/239:3-54; MSSF 19-88; and as ``Heart of the Serpent,'' in HoS 5-114.
—————. The Land of Foam (Na krayu Oykumeny = On the Edge of Oikumena, 1949). Trans. George Hanna. Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, n.d.
—————. ``Links in the Chain'' (excerpt from Lezvie britvy = The Razor's Edge, 1963). Trans. Eve Manning. SL64 #3/no whole #:3-106
—————. A Meeting Over Tuscarora. Trans. George Hanna. London: Hutchinson [1946]. Short-story collection.
—————. ``Shadows of the Past'' (``Ten' minuvshego,'' 1944). RSF 67-101, and  in Stories, below. Trans. differ.
—————. Stories. Trans. O. Gorchakov. Moscow: Foreign Language Publishing House (1954). Eight stories, including ``Stellar Ships'' (``Zvezdnye korabli,'' 1945).
Yemtsev, M. See Emtsev.
Zabelin, I. ``The Valley of the Four Crosses.'' DA 143-227.
Zamiatin (Zamyatin), Evgeny (Eugene) I. (1884-1937). ``A Story About the Most Important Thing'' (``Rasskaz o samom glavnom,'' 1924). In The Dragon: Fifteen Stories. Ed. & trans. Mirra Ginsburg. *NY: Random House, 1967; rpt. Chicago: Chicago UP, 1976. 173-208.
—————. We (My, 1924). (a) Trans. Gregory Zilboorg. NY: Dutton, 1924, 1959, 1975; Boston: Gregg-Hall, 1975. (b) Trans. (from the Russian ms.) B.G. Guerney. London: Cape, 1970; Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin, 1972. (c) Trans. Mirra Ginsburg. NY: Viking, 1972; Avon, 1987. (d) Trans. Samuel Cioran. In Russian Literature in the Twenties: An Anthology. Ed. Carl R. Proffer et al. Ann Arbor, MI: Ardis, 1987. 3-139.
Zayats, Vladimir (1949-  ). ``Temponauts.'' Trans. Tamara Zalite. SL85 #6/447:30-40.
Zelikovich, E. ``A Dangerous Invention.'' RSF 39-56.
Zhemaitis, Sergei (1908-  ). Eternal Wind (Vechnyi veter, 1970). Trans. Gladys Evans. Moscow: Mir Publishers, 1975.
Zhuravlyova (Zhuravleva), Valentina (1933-  ). ``Adventure.'' BoS 107-36.
—————. ``The Astronaut.'' DA 7-38; rpt. in RSF 204-17.
—————. ``To Continue Beyond.'' BOS 137-69.
—————. ``Hussy.'' EBL 143-51.
—————. ``The Pest'' (1967). WQA 102-14; and as ``The Brat,'' in AM 31-40.
—————. ``Snow Bridge Over the Abyss.'' BoS 73-106.
—————. ``Stone from the Stars.'' MSSF 151-68; HoS 207-31.
—————. ``Storm.'' RSF68 174-87.
Zubkov, E. & E. Muslin. ``Robot Humor.'' RSF69 146-49.

C. Selected Resource Materials

Contento, William. Index to Science Fiction Anthologies and Collections. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1978.
Gakov, Vladimir & Paul Brians. ``Nuclear-War Themes in Soviet Science Fiction: An Annotated Bibliography.'' SFS, 16 (1989): 67-84.
Hall, H.W., compiler. SFBRI: Science Fiction Book Review Index. Vols. 5 (1974) to 17 (1986). Bryan, TX.
MacGill, Frank N. ed. Survey of Science Fiction Literature.  5 vols. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Salem Press, 1979.
McGuire, Patrick L. Red Stars: Political Aspects of Soviet Science Fiction. Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Research Press, 1985.
Smith, Curtis C. ed. Twentieth Century Science-Fiction Writers. NY:  Macmillan, 1981.
Suvin, Darko. Russian Science Fiction, 1956-1974: A Bibliography. Elizabethtown, NY: Dragon Press, 1976.
—————. Metamorphoses of Science Fiction. New Haven, CT: Yale UP, 1979.
—————. Positions and Presuppositions in Science Fiction. Houndsmills, UK: Macmillan Press & Kent, OH: Kent State UP, 1988.

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