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Schindler, Rebecca K., Ph.D. - Faculty Bio

Schindler, Rebecca K., Ph.D.



(765) 658-4760

Asbury Hall, Room 115D
Greencastle, IN

Classical Studies

Professor of Classical Studies and Director of the Honor Scholar Program

I earned my A.B. in Classics and Archaeology from Wellesley College and my PhD from the Interdepartmental Program in Classical Art and Archaeology (IPCAA) at the University of Michigan. I have several research interests in topics related to Mediterranean Archaeology. My dissertation was on Cults of Aphrodite in Southern Italy and Sicily and I am currently working on a book on this topic. Since completing my PhD, I have been experimenting with the use of GIS (Geographic Information Systems) to study Greek sanctuaries. I am also the co-PI (along with Pedar Foss) of Collaboratory for GIS and Mediterranean Archaeology (CGMA), a partnership between American liberal-arts colleges to develop a for regional survey projects in the greater Mediterranean. Most recently I have been working on developing course materials for teaching archaeological ethics at the undergraduate level. As part of that project, I have been collaborating with Prof. Terri Bonebright in the Psychology Department to study student attitudes towards cultural heritage.

My field experience in the Mediterranean includes research projects in Italy, and fieldwork in Tunisia, Cyprus, and Turkey. Although I am not currently involved with an archaeological project, I regularly take students to Israel, Greece, and Italy for Winter Term trips. My courses at DePauw includes topics on Mediterranean Archaeology, Classical Literature in translation, Latin language, and first-year seminars.

Professionally I have been involved with the Archaeological Institute of America in several capacities. I recently completed a four-year term as the co-editor (with Pedar Foss) of the American Journal of Archaeology book reviews, and I am now the President of the Central Indiana Society of the AIA.

In addition to chairing Classical Studies at DePauw, I have served on the Student Life and Academic Atmosphere Committee, the Women's Studies Steering Committee, the Committee on Academic Policy and Planning, and I am currently the chair of the First-Year Seminar Committee. 

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