Huffman, Carl A.
Professor Emeritus of Classical Studies
Courses Taught
The Ancient World (cross-listed with history)
Greek Civilization
Greek and Roman Mythology
Roman Civilization
Greek Tragedy
Plato on Love and Pleasure
Plato: Passion and Reason
Luck, Ethics, and the Greeks
(First-year seminar) Pythagoras and Plato on the Good Life
(First-year seminar) Socrates: The Mind and the Myth
Topics: Before Plato
Elementary Latin Sequence
Elementary Greek Sequence
Greek Prose and Poetry
Greek Reading
New Testament Greek
Classics Survey
History of Western Philosophy:Socrates to Augustine (in the Philosophy Department)
1970-1973: St. John's College (Santa Fe)
1974: B.A. (summa cum laude) from University of Colorado
1976: M.A. from University of Colorado
1981: Ph. D from University of Texas
Teaching History
1996: Professor, DePauw University
1988-1996: Associate Professor, DePauw University
1981-1988: Assistant Professor, DePauw University
Archytas of Tarentum: Pythagorean, Philosopher, and Mathematician King, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2005). For further information see:
For a review see:
Philolaus of Croton: Pythgorean and Presocratic, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1993). Paperback (2006). For further information see:
Articles in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (on-line)
"Pythagoreanism", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2006 Edition, Edward N. Zalta (ed.),
"Pythagoras" , The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2005 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.),
"Archytas" , The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2003 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.),
"Philolaus" , The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2003 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.),
"Alcmaeon" , The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2003 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.),
Chapters in Books
“Two Problems in Pythagoreanism,” in The Oxford Handbook of Presocratic Philosophy, eds. P. Curd and D. W. Graham (New York, Oxford University Press: 2008) 284-304.
"Philolaus and the Central Fire," in Reading Ancient Texts, Volume I: Presocratics and Plato, Essays in Honour of Denis O’ Brien, eds. Suzanne Stern-Gillet and Kevin Corrigan (Brill, Leiden: 2007) 57-94.
"'Aristoxenus’ Pythagorean Precepts: A Rational Pythagorean Ethics,” in La costruzione del discorso filosofico nell’ età dei Presocratici (The Construction of Philosophical Discourse in the Age of the Presocratics), ed. Maria Michela Sassi (Edizioni Della Normale, Pisa: 2006) 103-121.
"Archytas and the Sophists" in Presocratic Philosophy: Essays in Honour of Alexander Mourelatos, eds. Victor Caston and Daniel W. Graham (Aldershot, 2002) 251-270.
"Polyclète et les Présocratiques" in Qu’ est-ce que la philosophie présocratique, eds. André Laks and Claire Louguet (Villeneueve d’ Ascq, 2002) 303-327.
"The Philolaic Method: The Pythagoreanism Behind the Philebus" in Before Plato: Essays In Ancient Greek Philosophy, Vol. 6 ed. A. Preus (Binghamton, 2001) 67-85.
"Pythagoreanism," in Greek Thought: A Guide to Classical Knowledge, ed. Jacques Brunschwig and Geoffrey E. R. Lloyd (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass.: 2000) 918-936.
"Limite et illimité chez les premiers philosophes grecs," in La Felure du Plaisir : Études sur le Philèbe de Platon, Vol. II: Contextes, ed. M.Dixsaut, (Paris, 1999) 11-31.
"The Pythagorean Tradition" in The Cambridge Companion to Early Greek Philosophy, ed. A.A. Long (Cambridge University Press, 1999) pp. 66-87.
"Die Pythagoreer" in Philosophen der Antike I, ed. Friedo Ricken, Kohlhammer, Stuttgart (1996), pp. 52-72.
"Pythagorisme" in Le Savoir Grec, ed. J. Brunschwig and G. Lloyd, Flamarion, Paris (1996), pp. 982-1000.
"Philolaus' Cosmogony" in Ionian Philosophy, ed. K.J. Boudouris, Alimos and Athens, 1989, pp. 186-194.
“Heraclitus' Critique of Pythagoras' Enquiry in Fragment 129,” Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 35 (2008), 19-47.
"The Pythagorean Precepts of Aristoxenus: Crucial Evidence for Pythagorean Moral Philosophy," Classical Quarterly 58.1 (2008), 104-119.
"The Role of Number in Philolaus' Philosophy," Phronesis 33 (1988), 1-30.
"The Authenticity of Archytas Fragment 1," Classical Quarterly 35 (1985), 344-348.
"Knowledge and Equality Itself at Phaedo 74b," Discorsi 1 (1981), 103-108.
"The Cheltenham Manuscript of Calcidius' Translation of Plato's Timaeus," (with Michael Dunn) Manuscripta 24 (1980), 76-88.
Articles in Reference Works
"Philolaus," "Archytas," and "Pythagoras and Pythagoreanism" for the Encyclopedia of Classical Philosophy Greenwood (1997) pp. 52-3, 383-4, 465-471.
"Philolaus" and "Archytas" in the Oxford Classical Dictionary, Oxford (1996), pp. 150 and 1166.
"Pythagoras and Pythagoreanism," "Philolaus," and "Archytas" for the Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, ed. Robert Audi, Cambridge, 1995, pp. 665, 580, and 36-7.
Article on "Pythagoras and Pythagoreanism" for the Dictionary of Philosophy ed. T. Mautner 1995 (Blackwell).
"Edwin Leroy Minar, Jr." for The Biographical Dictionary of North American Classicists, ed. Ward W. Briggs, Greenwood (Westport, 1994).
Honors and Grants
Visitor at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, (1/2009-6/2009)
ACLS Fellowship (2008-2009)
NEH Fellowship (2002-2003)
University Professor, DePauw University (2000-2004)
John Simon Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship (1995-96).
Howard Foundation Research Fellowship (1989-90).
NEH Fellowship (1983-84).
Bye Fellow, Robinson College, Cambridge (1983-84).