Family: Rhamnaceae, buckthorn family
Genus species: Rhamnus cathartica
Leaves are oval with toothed edges and distinct parallel veins.
Bark is gray-brown with spiny branches.
Flowers are yellowish-green with four petals.
Fruit is a round black berry, 1/2 across, contains two to four seeds.
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Buckthorn is a non-native invasive plant species. It is native to Europe, Africa, and Asia. It was introduced to North America as an ornamental shrub. It has a competitive advantage over native plants because it leafs out earlier than native plants. It is difficult to control because it sprouts vigorously and repeatedly after cutting. Herbicide application is an effective control method, but seeds stay viable in the soil for several years before sprouting. Repeated treatments of infested areas is required.
Photos:Buckthorn leaves