Family: Hippocastanaceae, buckeye family
Genus, species: Aesculus glabra
Leaves are palmately compound with five leaflets. Buckeyes are the first tree to produce leaves in the spring, and the first tree to shed leaves during the fall.
Bark is light gray to light brown, furrowed or scaly.
Flowers are showy, with yellowish-green petals, arranged in large erect clusters. Stamens are longer than petals.
Fruit is a large spiny capsule, contains 1 to 3 seeds.
Twigs are stout with large terminal buds.
Seeds are large, shiny, and brown with a whitish basal scar. Seeds contain tannic acid and are poisonous for cattle and possibly humans.
More Information:
The genus name Aesculus is from the Latin for "horse-chestnut-like," referring to the similarities between Buckeye and Horse Chestnut. The common name Horse Chestnut is derived from the ancient use of Horse Chestnuts to treat bruising in horses. The species name glabra is from the Latin for "smooth" or "without hairs."
Photos:Buckeye leaf

Buckeye flowers

Buckeye fruit

Buckeye twig