Tulip Poplar
Family: Magnoliaceae, magnolia family
Genus, species: Liriodendron tulipifera
Leaves are tulip-shaped with a v-shaped notched tip and four paired lobes.
Bark is furrowed with narrow tight ridges.
Flowers are large, cup-shaped. Petals are pale green or yellow with an orange band at the base.
Fruit is cone-like, light brown, 1 to 2 inches long. Each fruit is composed of many nutlets.
Each nutlet contains 1 or 2 seeds
Common Uses and Interesting Facts:
The tulip poplar is the state tree of Indiana.
More Information:
The genus name Liriodendron is from the Greek for "lily-tree," referring to the tree's showy flowers. The species name tulipifera is from the Latin for "tulip-like."
Photos:Tulip poplar leaf

Tulip poplar bark

Tulip poplar flower

Tulip poplar fruit