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Japanese Studies

Studying Japanese Studies at DePauw

Prepare to step out of your linguistic and cultural bubble with a versatile degree in Japanese studies. Through this engaging interdisciplinary program, you will have the opportunity to develop new perspectives and cultivate analytical insights about one of the world’s most influential economic superpowers and a perennial leader in international politics. Japan’s fascinating history and multidimensional culture offer an endless source of both inquiry and discovery.

Courses in Japanese studies provide a structured sequence of learning that will expose you to language, literature, technology, theater, philosophy and more. From ancient foundations to contemporary issues, the extensive scope of this program will prepare you for success in any career field that requires analytical reasoning, international collaboration or cross-cultural exchange. With a degree in Japanese studies, you can discover your role in shaping tomorrow’s globally connected world.

Small classes. Big ideas.

A life-changing experience.

Areas of Study

Major Degree School Format Course Credits
Japanese Studies Undergraduate, B.A. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences On Campus 10 Courses

Japanese Studies


Undergraduate, B.A.


On Campus

Course Credits

10 Courses

Minor School Format Course Credits
Japanese Studies College of Liberal Arts and Sciences On Campus 5 Courses

Japanese Studies


On Campus

Course Credits

5 Courses

Collage of students performing activities at DePauw

Graduate Outcomes and Careers

Graduate Schools

DePauw Students Have Attended

  • Columbia University
  • Georgetown University
  • Harvard University
  • Johns Hopkins University
  • Dartmouth College
  • University of Pennsylvania
  • University of Chicago
  • Tufts University, MBA program in London
  • University of Akron
  • Indiana University


Students Have Participated In

  • Radio station, Taiwan
  • Tamkang Junior and Senior High Schools, Taiwan
  • Cummins in India

DePauw professors genuinely care about you, your well-being and your academic journey.

-Danielle Sommerman

Contact Us

Asian Studies

Leveraging the resources of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the Japanese studies major and minor at DePauw are housed in the Department of Asian Studies. This department prioritizes a broad-ranging knowledge of Asia's many diverse cultures, both past and present.

Students walking through campus with East College in the background

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