Bryce Barton '96 Qualifies for Boston Marathon
November 29, 2010
November 29, 2010, Greencastle, Ind. — "Crawfordsville’s Bryce Barton was an athlete in high school and went off to college," begins an article in that city's Journal Review. "Like
many teens that go away for school, he started putting on a little
weight. Once he hit the 200-pound barrier, he decided to start running
as a way to drop a few pounds. That was in 1996, when he was a senior at DePauw University. Since then, Barton has been running. On Nov. 14 he qualified for the Boston Marathon by meeting the qualifying time at the Indianapolis Monument Marathon," writes Barry Lewis.
The complete story on Barton, athletic director at Crawfordsville High School, is available to subscriber's at the newspaper's website.