Rutgers History Prof. Camilla Townsend Here March 5 for Horizon Lecture
February 26, 2013
Camilla Townsend, professor of history at Rutgers University, will come to the campus of DePauw University next week to deliver the Horizon Lecture. Dr. Townsend will discuss "Alias don Luis: The True Tales and Amazing Adventures of a 1560s Algonkian Who Traveled Three Continents" on Tuesday, March 5. The presentation will take place in Watson Forum, located within DePauw's Pulliam Center for Contemporary Media beginning at 7:30. The event is free and open to all.
"Paquiquineo 'don Luis' was an Algonkian-speaking Native American from the Chesapeake kidnapped by Spaniards in 1561," notes a description of the talk. "Although he spent the next decade with the Spanish, converted to Christianity, and won the love and respect of his captors, he eventually led a war party to kill a group of Jesuits attempting to establish a mission in his homeland. When we seek the records of his experiences abroad, his actions cease to seem mysterious."
Townsend's books include Here in This Year: Seventeenth-Century Nahuatl Annals of the Tlaxcala-Puebla Valley; Malintzin’s Choices: An Indian Woman in the Conquest of Mexico and Pocahontas and the Powhatan Dilemma. The professor's significant awards include a Guggenheim Fellowship (2010), National Endowment for the Humanities fellowship (2004), Franklin Grant, American Philosophical Society (2004) and a Fulbright Commission grant (1993).