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Periodic Museum of the Elements

We are extremely pleased to announce the installation of a stunning periodic table of the elements.  Because it is really over 100 individual displays of the elements, their ores and minerals, and objects made from the elements, it’s more like a museum than a table.  So, we’ve taken to calling it the Periodic Museum of the Elements.

The Museum may be seen at the top of the grand staircase in the Julian Science Center.  School groups are welcome, though we suggest that you contact the Department Chair Rich Martoglio (rmartoglio@depauw.edu) to find a good time if your group has more than about five people (right now Tuesdays and Thursdays are good relatively low traffic times).

Graphite element

The Museum is the creation of two very clever gentlemen, Max Whitby of the Red Green & Blue Company Ltd of London (e-mail max@rgbco.com) and Theo Gray of Wolfram Research Inc. in Illinois (e-mail theodore@wolfram.com).

For more information, please see:
