Lambda Sigma Upsilon Fraternity, Inc.
Latinos Siempre Unidos
Lambda Sigma Upsilon was founded on April 5th, 1979 at Rutgers University. The fraternity's mission is grounded in the belief that many individual and collective successes can be achieved through the efforts of a culturally diverse brotherhood of college and university men who, through close association with each other, maintain honesty, commitment, respect, and trust.
Lambda Sigma Upsilon Fraternity, Inc. was approved for colony status on DePauw's campus in the Spring of 2012 for a Fall 2012 colonization. The fraternity's philanthropy endeavors focus on raising awareness and funds for HIV/Aids research.
Local Address
Lambda Sigma Upsilon Fraternity, Inc.
413 Anderson St.
Greencastle, IN 46135

Lambda Sigma Upsilon - Student Activities Fair 2014
Lambda Sigma Upsilon Men at campus events
Fall 2014 Retreat
Lambda Sigma Upsilon - Triple S: Step, Stroll & Salute 2014
Spring 2014 MGC Banquet
Lambda Sigma Upsilon Men at campus events