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Immunization Requirements

DePauw requires the following immunizations for the 2024-2025 academic year:

  • Varicella - 2 doses or a quantitative (numeric) blood titer - history of disease is not sufficient.
  • Meningitis ACWY, brand names Menactra and Menveo - 1 dose after the age of 16.
  • Hepatitis B - 3 doses/complete series
  • TDaP booster - within the last 10 years
  • MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) - 2 doses or quantitative (numeric) blood titers
  • ONLY FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS - IGRA/Quantiferon Gold Plus Blood test - after April 1 and before arriving on campus.

The following vaccines and immunizations are recommended:

  • COVID-19 vaccine
  • Flu, annually
  • HPV
  • Hepatitis A
  • Meningitis B, brand names Bexsero or Trumenda - 2 doses, the immunization record MUST include the brand name to be in compliance.
  • Polio

The following vaccines and immunization are optional:

  • Typhoid
  • Yellow Fever
  • Rabies (pre-exposure)
  • M Pox

Immunization requirements are reviewed each spring and updated by April for the following academic year.

Submitting Immunization Records

All students are required to submit a completed immunization record to the DePauw Health Wellness Center via secure email (depauwhealth@hendricks.org) or secure fax (765-658-4558). The immunization records must be on official medical office letterhead or state immunization registry stationary. Records that are pulled from an individual’s private health portal will be accepted only if their name and date of birth are clearly visible.

All records must have the student’s legal name, date of birth, DePauw ID number and a phone number where the student can be reached with questions. All records must be submitted in English.

  • Students entering for the Fall term must submit complete records by August 1.
  • Students entering for Winter or Spring term must submit complete records by January 1.

Students who do not submit complete Immunization Records will not be able to register for classes for the subsequent semester.

Immunization Exemptions

Requests for exemption from the immunization requirements for other than medical reasons may be recognized by DePauw based on religious grounds only. Requests for exemption must be made in writing, in advance of the start of classes and signed by the student.

Requests for exemption from immunization requirements based on medical grounds must be accompanied by a written statement from the student’s healthcare provider indicating the nature and duration of the medical condition which contraindicates an immunization, along with the specific vaccine identified as detrimental to the student’s health, certifying pregnancy or suspected pregnancy, or verifying that the student is currently completing the course of all required immunizations. Medical exemptions expire when the medical condition(s) contraindicating immunization change in a manner which permits immunization.

All requests for exemption will be reviewed and decided by the medical director. Students should submit a Request for Exemption to the Immunization Requirement and any accompanying documentation to depauwhealth@hendricks.org by August 1 for students matriculating in the fall and January 1 for students enrolling for spring. Approved exemptions will be kept on file at the DePauw Health Wellness Center.

Students holding exemptions may be excluded from campus activities or instructed to leave campus in the event of an outbreak – on or near campus – of any of the vaccine-preventable diseases until the outbreak is over. Further information regarding immunization requirements or exemptions may be obtained by contacting DePauw Health Wellness Center at 765-658-4555 or depauwhealth@hendricks.org.

Requesting Immunization Records

Students may request their immunization records by contacting DePauw Health Wellness Center at 765-658-4555 or depauwhealth@hendricks.org.