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Human Subject Participation

The Institutional Review Board (IRB) is a committee whose responsibility it is to protect the rights and welfare of humans who are involved in University affiliated research. The DePauw University IRB follows the guidelines outlined in the Belmont Report. We subscribe to the Common Rule for the protection of human subjects found in 45 CFR 46. Please follow this link for further information about the Common Rule:

Common Rule Information

All University affiliated researchers must follow the guidelines to protect the rights and welfare of all human research participants as outlined in the Common Rule. All research must be approved by the DePauw University IRB prior to embarking on a research project involving human subjects. If a research project lasts 12 months or longer, an annual re-submission of the project, along with updates, is required.

Click Here to review the steps needed to submit a research proposal to the IRB.

Click Here for the DePauw University IRB submission form and related documents that accompany the submission form.

Click Here to review special types of research proposals that involve protected populations of:

  • Prisoners
  • Minors
  • Humans with diminished capacity
  • Those who are physically or mentally challenged
  • Those who are pregnant

Click Here to review the levels of proposals and how the IRB reviews each.

Preparing a Research Proposal Involving Human Subjects

1. All researchers must complete the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) modules designed specifically for DePauw University.

2. If a student researcher, have your supervising professor complete the attestation letter and submit along with the proposal.

3. Make certain to check the application deadlines established by the IRB

4. If offering incentives for participation, please review the University policy HERE to ensure compliance.

5. Complete all required forms (Informed Consent, sample recruitment documents, data collection instruments)

6. Upload the project to irb@depauw.edu

You will receive an acknowledgement of the submission immediately; within 24 hours, you will receive notification of the level at which your proposal will be reviewed giving you a time frame in which you will be notified of the review status. Please note that you may be asked to make revisions in the protocol prior to receiving approval for the project. You MAY NOT continue with the project until you receive an approval letter from the IRB.