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Computer Science Department

Personal Portfolio Website

Troy Tien Nguyen

This personal portfolio website is a place for Troy to showcase his personality and knowledge as well as for people to connect with him in meaningful ways. Users can click on the titles in the upper-right corner to access different website sections. On the Home page, people can get to know Troy by reading his bio and personal values. There is a Gallery section where Troy shows his memorable moments. In each story, there is a call-to-action button for users to visit external sites to learn more about Troy’s experiences. There is also a Picks section where Troy introduces all the books he has read, films he has watched, and podcasts he has listened to. Besides, this website also contains a Blog section where Troy shares knowledge. In each blog, there is a feedback form that users can use to submit their thoughts and suggestions. There is also a mini-game in each blog topic. For example, in the blog about “Deferred MBA Programs,” people can check their knowledge by doing the pop quiz on the website. More educational topics and interactive practices such as physical and mental health or study techniques will be available on the website. The last section is the Contact page, where people can get Troy’s phone number, email, and physical address. There is another form in this section that people can fill out to connect with Troy personally. Most importantly, this website can automatically adapt and respond to multiple platforms. People can view this site on a smartphone or a laptop with suitable ratios and dimensions.