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Computer Science Department

A* is Born

Achraf Tai

As a kid, this student was passionate about mazes and trying to solve them as fast as
possible. When he was younger, he learned that by following the right wall in any given maze,
he will eventually reach the end. However, mazes are not always fun, and if you follow this trick,
it almost feels like you are somehow cheating. With A* is Born, this will no longer be an issue.
A* is Born allows users to always find the shortest possible path in a maze, while
avoiding obstacles. To demonstrate the A* path finding algorithm properly, Webots, a desktop
application that uses digital robots and environments is implemented using Python. The maze is
used as unknown environment for the robot to traverse. A* is Born allows its users to find the
shortest possible path not only in a maze, but in any possible 2D or 3D environment that could
be virtually recreated.