Exit Counseling
Education about your federal loan programs is of primary importance so counseling is available to aid you in the process.
Exit Counseling
Upon graduation, withdraw, or dropping below half-time status, it is federally required that you complete exit counseling. It is important that you understand the terms of your loan and how to properly begin the repayment process. There is typically a 6 month grade period for student loans before repayment begins. Through this counseling session you will learn what your obligations are, how to consolidate your loans, and the importance of communicating with your lender. Please complete the following steps:
Step 1 - To see the total amount of Federal loans borrowed you may access that information at: NSLDS (National Student Loan Data System) or in e-Services under Financial-Loan Summary Report
Step 2 - Complete the Exit Counseling below:
If you are graduating, transferring, or leaving school and had a Perkins loan, you will receive an email from Heartland ECSI, your Perkins Loan Servicer, giving you instructions on how to log in and complete your Exit Counseling session.
If you are graduating, transferring or leaving school and had Federal Direct Stafford loans only, go directly to the Exit Interview. You will be required to log in with your FSA ID - then scroll down to find Exit Counseling.
If you had both a Perkins loan and Federal Direct Stafford loans while at the University you will need to complete both Exit Interviews.
Direct Loan Fact Sheet | Perkins Loan Fact Sheet |