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Kate Campbell' 21

Unknown Picture

Major: Global Health and Spanish






Mary O'Connor' 21

Mary's Picture

Major: Biochemistry and Hispanic Studies






Corri' 21

Unknown Picture

Major: Communication  







Destiney' 21Destiney's Picture

Major: Political Science

Minor: Communication








Katharine McLean' 21Katharine's Picture

Major: Film Studies and Communication








Rachel DeShone' 22
Unknown Picture

Major: Psychology and Economics






Yong Heo' 22Unknown Picture

Major: Political Science 





Jillian Meyer '23Jillian's Picture

Major: Psychology and Communication

Areas of Specialty: Jillian can help with the visual aspects of a presentation (presentation slides, body language), the auditory aspects (speed, engagement with the material), the written aspects (flow of the presentation, word choice, attention getters), and everything in between!



Hana Le' 23
Hana's Picture

Major: Communication 

Minor: Computer Science







Kelly Truax' 23Unknown Picture

Major: Psychology 

Areas of Specialty: She can help with speeches and presentations.





Ben Batchelder' 23Unknown Picture

Major: Political Science and Economics