DePauw's Fraternal History
Delta Gamma

Phi Kappa Psi

Kappa Kappa Gamma

Kappa Alpha Psi

Alpha Phi

Delta Upsilon

Beta Theta Pi

Alpha Chi Omega

Phi Delta Theta

DePauw's fraternal organization system began in 1847, eight years after the founding of Indiana Asbury College, now DePauw University, in 1837
Since that time, our fraternity and sorority community has continued to evolve, grow and change as new organizations were welcomed to the community while others left. DePauw's Fraternal History can be captured in the resources below.
The Report of the Greek Fact-Finding Commission, September 2006
On April 21, 2006, the Board of Trustees unanimously endorsed a proposal from President Bottoms for the creation of a Greek Fact-Finding Commission (GFFC). The charge to the Commission was to "identify an impartial set of facts about DePauw's Greek system in the context of the important functions it provides and the constituencies it serves. The objective is to gather the most reliable information possible in an integrated framework which articulates impacts across the University." The Commission was not asked to make specific recommendations for action. The President indicated his intention to review the report, assess the "Effectiveness of the Greek system in fulfilling its obligation to the University community as well as the effectiveness of the support DePauw provides to fraternities and sororities," and ask the Chairman of the Board of Trustees to appoint a committee to carry the discussion forward. To learn more about the GFFC, please refer to the "Articles and Additional Resources section below.