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Please find below a list of ITAP policies and procedures for the Class of 2027 and 2028. Students are expected to read and familiarize themselves with these policies on their own time. When agreeing to the ITAP contract, you are agreeing that you have read and accepted these terms.


ITAP students are paid for the time they spend working during ITAP Institute and on-campus ITAP internships, and other required program activities. ITAP students are also paid for the time they spend participating in other campus IT-related skills workshops as long as the workshop is directly related to their ITAP work.

ITAP Apprentices are required to work a minimum of 4 hours per week and a maximum of 6 hours per week and earn $9 per hour. ITAP Associates are required to work a minimum of 6 hours per week and a maximum of 10 hours per week and earn $11 per hour.

Because participation in ITAP is a paid experience, students’ financial aid packages may be affected. The precise impact on financial aid packages will vary by student. For this reason, students admitted to ITAP should discuss their financial aid package with staff in the Office of Financial Aid.

Students are expected to complete their paid hours in a location that is approved at a host’s discretion. Approved locations may include but are not limited to, department offices, University computer labs, dorm rooms, dining halls, etc. If a student wishes to complete work remotely, i.e. not in a department office, they must first seek approval from their host to do so.

ITAP members are paid on a bi-weekly payroll schedule and submit their hours electronically via ADP. Timecards must be completed and submitted before midnight on the last day of each pay period.

Other important things to note:

  • Students are required to fill out their time cards accurately
  • Hours should be entered each time a student works
  • Any student caught submitting hours for which they did not work will be immediately dismissed from the program



Due to the nature of the Information Technology Associates Program (i.e., engagement in the program, expected time commitment, compensation received, etc.), students are prohibited from concurrently holding another on-campus paid position while participating in an ITAP internship.



The Information Technology Associates Program only runs during the fall and spring term of a given academic year. The earliest an ITAP student can begin working relies heavily on the status of their employment paperwork, however general start and end dates for student employment follow the DePauw academic calendar. Please note students are not permitted to work during final exams.

The start and end dates for the 2024-25 AY are below:

Fall '24 Term Start: Wednesday, August 21st, 2024
Fall '24 Term End: Friday, December 6th, 2024
Spring '25 Term Start: Monday, January 27th, 2025
Spring '25 Term End: Thursday, May 8th, 2025

ITAP Students are allowed to work during the following breaks: Fall Break, Thanksgiving Break, and Spring Break. However, ITAP does not run during Winter or Summer Break. During the 2024-25 AY, ITAP students should not work during the following dates:

Winter Break: Saturday, December 7th, 2024 - Sunday, January 26th, 2025
Summer Break: Friday, May 9th, 2025 - Tuesday, August 29th, 2025



Students in a study abroad program may not hold an ITAP internship during their time abroad. Students should complete a Leave of Absence form for the term during which they will be abroad. Any term in which a Leave of Absence is requested will not count towards the 4 term minimum requirement.



Once a student is admitted to ITAP, continuation and participation in the program are contingent upon maintaining and meeting the attendance, performance, and professional conduct expectations of the program.

Students who do not adhere to these policies will be subject to probation. Students on probation are at risk of being dismissed from the program.

After being on probation for the duration of a term, students who are to be put on probation again (for a consecutive second term), will be dismissed from the program. In other words, students cannot be on probation for two consecutive terms, regardless of reason. Grounds for probation include:


Apprentices are expected to work a minimum of 4 hours per week. Associates are expected to work a minimum of 7 hours per week. Students will be placed on probation the term following when they fell under this requirement.


Students are expected to maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA. Students will be placed on probation the term following when they fell under this requirement.


Students need to maintain communication with their ITAP host and the ITAP personnel. If at any point ITAP personnel deem the student to be unresponsive (not returning emails in a timely manner, ignoring requests to meet, failing to fill out appropriate Google forms, etc), students may be placed on probation, which could lead to removal from the program.



If a host is dissatisfied with the performance of, attendance of, or communication by an ITAP Associate, they are encouraged to follow the DePauw University Progressive Discipline Policy (found in the Employee Guide). If the situation does not improve to the satisfaction of the host in a timely manner, the host may terminate the student from the internship and notify ITAP administration.

ITAP Administration will meet with any student terminated from their internship to discuss next steps and their plan for continuing the program. Students dismissed from an internship will be responsible for finding another internship through the ITAP Classifieds page. They must meet with ITAP administration before finding a new internship. If they do not find a new internship, they may be subject to probation based on not meeting the minimum hours requirement.



Starting with the class of 2027, ITAP Associates will be removed from the Information Technology Associates Program if they are inactive with the program for two consecutive terms. Students are considered inactive during a term if they do not have an internship nor have they submitted a Leave of Absence form. 



Starting with the class of 2027, there will be two requirements to graduate as a part of ITAP. In order to graduate as an ITAP Associate and receive a graduation certificate and cord, ITAP Associates must:

  • Be active as an associate for at least 4 terms. One of these terms must be the associate's final term at DePauw. In order to be active as an associate, students must meet the minimum hour requirement in an ITAP internship for a term.

  • Successfully complete the ITAP Senior Summit.  

Please note that ITAP Institute does not count towards the 4 term requirement.



In compliance with University policy, any materials created for the University by individual ITAP students, or created by ITAP students in collaboration with each other and/or with their hosts, while in the ITAP program, will remain the exclusive property of DePauw University or the faculty host. If you have any doubts as to the proper use and purpose of any such material, please contact your host or ITAP administration.

Students working as ITAP interns who are engaged in work-for-hire are subject to the following additional intellectual property policy:

The ITAP Contract grants no rights whatsoever to the University or its students in the patents, copyrights, trade secrets, trademarks, service marks, or other intellectual property rights of customers which are provided to the University or its students during the course of performance of the services. All inventions, copyright-eligible works, ideas, improvements, software, discoveries, or other intellectual property of any kind developed, discovered, conceived or created by the University pursuant to a statement of work shall be considered a “work for hire” as that phrase is defined by the U.S. copyright laws and shall be owned exclusively by and for the express benefit of customer.


Updated: 8/8/2024