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Faculty One Day Conference with Student(s)

Online form

Purpose: This fund supplements the Professional Conference Fund by providing support to full-time, part-time and term faculty members to attend regional conferences for one day with students who wish to accompany the faculty member to such conferences.

Eligibility: All teaching faculty members are eligible.  For details see "Faculty Eligibility and Categories for Funding."

Expectations & Rules:

  • The One-Day Conference Fund is based on the principle of cost-sharing. 

  • This supplementary fund will pay mileage (up to 300 mile radius from Greencastle), parking fees, and registration fees for the faculty member and accompanying students.

  • Applications are to be submitted at least four weeks prior to the conference, and there will be no retroactive funding.

Receipts for expenses and a completed accounting reimbursement voucher worksheet must be submitted to Becky Wallace (377 Julian) within four weeks of returning from the conference.

Advice: Awards are made on a first-come, first-served basis.  Because funds are limited, persons should apply as soon as possible.