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Deadline: First-come, first-served pending availability of funds.

Purpose: This fund supports full-time, term and part-time faculty attendance at conferences sponsored by professional organizations and for expenses associated with memberships in professional societies.

Eligibility: see "Faculty Categories and Eligibility for Funding" for eligibility and amount of funding allocated for each category.

Expectations & Rules:

  • Funding will be made on a first-come, first-served basis for travel, registration, lodging, and meals ($51 limit per day for meals), and there is no retroactive funding. 

  • Faculty members may only claim up to 4 nights stays at conferences. 

  • Applications must be submitted for approval of funds before expenses are incurred (at least three weeks prior to the conference; four weeks is recommended). The committee will not consider incomplete applications.

  • The committee will not consider applications submitted within three days of the start of the conference/workshop. 

  • The committee will not consider incomplete applications.

  • Both Professional Conference and Workshop funds are not to be used for personal interviews or for any other primarily administrative function of a faculty member.

  • Additional funding will be provided above the normal base conference allocation for faculty categories for giving a presentation, serving as a panelist, or for editorial or other professional outreach domestically or for international conferences. The following rules apply:

    • Conferences within United States (includes Alaska and Hawaii): Faculty members may receive $150 per conference day attendance (up to 4 days) for presenting a poster, paper, formal lecture, exhibit, performance, written commentary, serving as a panelist, or for professional outreach (contact the Dean of Faculty or chair of the Faculty Development Committee with questions) within the United States. To receive the additional $150 a copy of the paper, a copy of the printed program or link to the online program in which your name appears, or a description of your professional outreach activities must be submitted with the receipts to Becky Wallace. Submit your conference attendance report here.

    • Conferences outside United States (includes Canada): Faculty members are eligible for $800 for participating in the above-mentioned activities at a conference outside of North America.  Faculty members who are located outside of North America for any type of leave will not be eligible for these additional funds.  These funds will be provided for only one such conference per academic year.  To receive the additional funds, a copy of the printed program or link to the online program in which your name appears, or a description of your professional outreach activities must be submitted with the receipts to Becky Wallace. Submit your conference attendance report here

  • If a conference is combined with a workshop, all of your expenses will come from your 3-year Professional Conference fund. For workshops separate from conferences, see the Workshop Fund (1-4 days or expenses fall under $1000).  For extended workshops, see the Professional Development Fund (more than 1-4 days or expenses over $1000).

  • Faculty members may choose to use these funds to pay for professional association and society membership dues/fees.

Reporting Process: Receipts for all expenses (except for meals) and a completed accounting reimbursement voucher worksheet must be submitted to Becky Wallace within four weeks of returning from the conference for reimbursement. 

To receive the presentation credit a copy of the paper, a copy of the printed program or link to the online program in which your name appears, or a description of your professional outreach activities must be submitted to Faculty Development using this form.

Criteria for Evaluation: First-come, first-served pending availability of funds.